Discover CCI

Connecting Spiritually, Impacting Globally

Here, you can discover the various ways to engage with our vibrant community, from joining our ministries tailored to your interests, to becoming a valued partner in our mission. Explore our Connection Guide, your ultimate companion to connect, grow, and serve alongside us. Share your prayer requests, sow a seed to support our ministry, and find answers to commonly asked questions. Use the menu below to navigate this page.
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Together We Can

transform lives, break barriers, and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to every corner of the world! Will you join us on this journey of transformation and spiritual growth?

Find Your Small Group

Our Ministries

Face Painting and Family Fun at CCI

Kidz Connection

Nurturing young hearts with God's love and teachings in a fun and interactive environment

United young adult friends laughing together

Life Changers

A community for young adults to thrive in faith, friendships, and personal growth

Strong women support group

Warring Women

Empowering women to be warriors of faith, strength, and unity


Strengthening and supporting men as they navigate their faith journey and roles

Joined Together

Building strong, God-centered marriages that stand the test of time

Join us today. Portrait of a group of happy students pointing toward the camera.

Interested in joining a small group?

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." - Matthew 18:20 (KJV)

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Partner With Us

Join our church family! Discover the joy of belonging and the power of collective impact at CCI. Fill out the Partnership Form to become a valued part of our community.
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CCI Growth Track

Connection Guide

Connection Guide is your companion to connect, grow, and serve within the vibrant community here at CCI. Held once per quarter, it is designed to help you navigate your walk with our Lord Jesus Christ, learn more about who we are at CCI, and make a positive impact on the lives around you. Consider it your personal empowerment "button" for a fresh start, accessible at any time you desire change. By hitting the reset button, you open yourself up to making improvements in your daily life, in any shape or form that aligns with your values and goals. Connection Guide encourages gradual progress at a pace that suits you with the understanding that, sometimes, hitting the reset button is the only way to avoid hitting a permanent wall.







Request Prayer

Share your burdens and joys with us. We're here to lift them in prayer. Fill out the Prayer Request Form, and our caring community will stand with you in faith.
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“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”
– 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (KJV)

Sow a Seed, Reap a Blessing: You Can Support CCI With a Generous Donation Today!


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about our church, ministries, and more.
CCI's first Connection Guide graduating class!

Our services are held every Sunday at 9:30 AM (Eastern) at our church, located at 1265 Lane Avenue South, Ste. #1, Jacksonville, FL 32205. You can also join us every 3rd Wednesday at 7 PM at “Chime In”, our dynamic Bible Study session. We can’t wait to see you there!

We appreciate your generosity! You can make a donation through our secure online giving platform on our website.

CCI believes in cultivating a sense of partnership rather than traditional membership. To become a partner, simply contact us to receive information about our Connection Guide and Growth Track, or learn more on our Get Connected page. As a partner, you’ll learn more about our church values and vision. Additionally, we will share how you can actively participate in fulfilling our mission of “connecting people to their God-given purpose!”

Pray for us as we move forward into fulfilling God’s purpose. You can donate a monetary gift to help build God’s Kingdom. You can also play a vital role by inviting your family, friends, and colleagues to experience our services and join our faith community.

Absolutely! We believe in the power of community and offer a range of small groups catering to different interests and stages of life. To join a group that suits your interests, connect with us today! You can learn more on our Get Connected page.